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关 于 我


74 岁, 已退休, 太太聪明和贤能 (希望她再会成为我来生的伴侣😊), 有两个已是成年人的男孩 (一个结了婚,有一小女孩 ) - 他们 (包括媳妇) 工作认真, 很能干, 有社会责任感.  我们很为他们感到骄傲!  我大学在加拿大念电机工程, 毕业後做电脑软件开发工作多年.  2001 利用被解雇的机会去读"心理辅导硕士", 跟着做了五年辅导工作才退休.    我一直很感谢上天对我和家人的照顾, 这是参加" 福慧"作义工原因之一.

74 years old, retired, wife bright and talented (hope she will be my next life’s partner😊). We have two sons (one married with one young daughter) – they are hardworking, competent, and have a strong sense of social responsibility. We are very proud of them !
I studied Electrical Engineering at McMaster University in Canada.  After graduation, I worked as a computer software programmer & later as a software development manager for many years.  In 2001, I used the opportunity of being laid off to gain a MA in counselling phycology from Adler University (Chicago, US) … they had a campus in Toronto.  I retired after five years of counseling work. I am very grateful for what I experienced and what I have.  This is one of the reasons why I’ve been working as a volunteer for ‘Fu Hui Education Foundation’ whose focus is in grooming orphans and youths (especially girls) in LiangShan, Sichuan, China.

(2014 四川凉山会理。 HuiLi, LiangShan, SiChuan)

Dinner at Hui Li (Glassy Blur)-1.jpg
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