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Change a habit of judging, change you, change the world !

Purpose of publishing this website

Working towards a better world by encouraging an average person to adopt a proposed thinking habit.

​The proposed concept by this website is meant to complement the existing rich culture of an ethnic group or a country.  It aims to provide a better cognitive foundation to actualize its dreams by enhancing the creativity, power and speed of the execution of different projects because the average person may learn to think with less inhibition.  It also aims to enhance the overall quality of living because the average folks may learn to judge themselves more appropriately!  Hence, a better world! :-)





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Visitor Count

Change a habit of judging, change you, change the world !

Purpose of publishing this website

Working towards a better world by encouraging an average person to adopt a proposed thinking habit.

​The proposed concept by this website is meant to complement the existing rich culture of an ethnic group or a country.  It aims to provide a better cognitive foundation to actualize its dreams by enhancing the creativity, power and speed of the execution of different projects because the average person may learn to think with less inhibition.  It also aims to enhance the overall quality of living because the average folks may learn to judge themselves more appropriately!  Hence, a better world! :-)





Clematis (2020-06-27).jpg


Visitor Count

Change a habit of judging, change you, change the world !

Purpose of publishing this website

Working towards a better world by encouraging an average person to adopt a proposed thinking habit.

​The proposed concept by this website is meant to complement the existing rich culture of an ethnic group or a country.  It aims to provide a better cognitive foundation to actualize its dreams by enhancing the creativity, power and speed of the execution of different projects because the average person may learn to think with less inhibition.  It also aims to enhance the overall quality of living because the average folks may learn to judge themselves more appropriately!  Hence, a better world! :-)





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Visitor Count

Change a habit of judging, change you, change the world !
  • Would you like to expedite the progress of your country?

  • Would you like to minimize society's corruption problem?

  • Would you like to enhance the spirit of entrepreneurs and their success rate?

  • Would you like to help students learn how to minimize unnecessary negative pressures?

  • Would you like to live a happier life?

I have a proposal: To answer the above questions by changing a traditional judging habit of oneself and others.

Note: The proposed concept by this website is meant to complement the existing rich culture of an ethnic group or a country.  It aims to provide a better cognitive foundation to actualize its dreams by enhancing the creativity, power and speed of the execution of different projects because the average person may learn to think with less inhibition.  It also aims to enhance the overall quality of living because the average folks may learn to judge themselves more appropriately!  Hence, a better world! :-)

  • 您想不想增加国家创新驱动发展能力?

  • 您想不想减少社会"贪"和为了达到目的而不择手段的问题?

  • 您想不想提高企业/创业精神和成功率?

  • 您想不想学生(尤其是中考和高考生)学会怎样去减少不必要的负压力?

  • 您想不想提高人民快乐指数?

我有一个提议: 以改变一个传统的评价自己和他人的习惯来解决以上的问题.

注: 这里提议的概念旨在补充一个民族或国家现有的丰富文化。 为实现一个民族或国家的梦想提供更好的思维基础。 普通人可以因此而更无拘朿地去思考,因而提高不同计划的创新能力,执行能力和速度。 可学会更恰当地评价自己,就可活得快乐得多! 人民快乐指数因而提高!

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关 于 我

早期: 电腦程序员, 电腦软件开发经理 Bell Canada,BNSR, BNR, Prism Systems Inc., & Nortel.

后期: 辅导员 Shepell·fgi.

现在: 筑梦者 - 把这世界变得更美好 :-)

我的旧博客 :


Part I: A Software Engineer/Manager with Bell Canada, BNSR, BNR, Prism Systems Inc., & Nortel.

Part II: A Clinical Counsellor with Shepell·fgi.

Part III: Ummm ... a catalyst for a much better world :-)

 My old blog:

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